You know, it really pisses me off that you've changed so much. You're not the same person that I knew 2 years ago and I feel like I don’t even know you anymore at all. You said once that you're true to yourself and that you're like so hardcore and mad that you'll never change whets inside you to suit others. You said to not try to change you and all those other things that you promised! What happened to everything that you said? Were they all just lies? Lies that you tell everyone to try to cover up what you really feel inside? If you're really so easily affected by others, then just say it out loud! It’s ok to say that because people will still respectful. At least you'd still be known as someone who's honest, not necessarily someone who's strong willed but at least you're not lying to yourself and everyone else around you!
What happened to those days when you were so against something and you'd say something about it? Now, you just bash everything that everyone says and you don’t care about anything or anyone else but yourself. Its like the whole world has to revolve around you or something and you think you're god? Well newsflash!!! You’re not all right, besides your height doesn’t even come close to anywhere near being tall or anything. The last time I checked, Bruce almighty was at least 6 ft.
Maybe I’ve grown up and matured a little and everything but imp just not used to hearing what comes out from you anymore. What you make or produce just irks me greatly and imp just extremely disappointed with everything’s that’s happening and I don’t know what to say. I had a listen to your music just yesterday and let me say, I liked the first single a lot and the songs that came on the EP, but the rest of it is just horrendous! What were you thinking? You told us that its not going to be like the first single but apparently everything is like that. Why are you trying to change yourself and change who you are? You know you aren’t a person like that? I thought you were hardcore and what not but apparently that’s just a complete lie again to cover up your lack in deciding on your sexual orientation. So what, you're with a guy now again? Whats next?? You tell me!!!! Im just waiting to see you screw up again and see you fall? Am I just waiting here for nothing that’s going to come? All the promises you made?? All just wasted? Somehow, I don’t like what you're doing although I love the genre that you're in, its just that I derno I don’t see you like that and all and honestly speaking I don’t think it suits you or your voice or your personality for that matter very well at all. And the thing is I know your "true fans" are still going to buy your album and stuff, and for a matter of fact, imp going to buy it too but that’s just not the issue here, imp just extremely disappointed with what you've come up with.
Maybe there was just too many expectations seeing as to how you guys came up with an awesome kick arse debut album and everything and the world fell in love with you because you guys are awesome. Yes its true your sophomore album is going to sell. Don’t be deceived for its not because you guys are awesome but because everyone thought your first one was great and they you're just riding on sales from the previous album. When they actually take a listen, they'd think differently and if your third album is heading towards the same direction as your second album, then you'll see a drastic change because it’s not something that people would like. BUT I say then again because others so easily affect you, god knows what kind of album you'd release next because of the fact that something else might be "hip" then and you probably couldn't’t care less about anyone so you'd just do whatever you want. Poor poor sire records.
I just want to end off everything by saying that imp greatly upset with everything that you've done and you're definitely not the same person that I fell in love with. It’s either that you've changed too much for my liking, or that I’ve changed too much to like you or anything related to you anymore. Im gravely upset and disappointed. Im lost for words and well at least I have actual good music to listen to, people with actual talents like Jon McLaughlin and Carrie Underwood.
I hope you have a good life and good friends ahead to guide you in your future since you're so easily affected by people, at least have people around you that are a good influence on your life. I wish you all the best and hope that you'll find a good partner (notice how I didn’t say boyfriend/husband). Good luck!
Jess has black hair again!!!! but thats not all, The Veronicas arent my fav singers as of 1 October 2007. Jon McLaughlin has rightfully taken over the thrown, now this guy is multi talented and he's heaps good at playing the piano! He's amazing and definitely deserves more love than 2 untalented girls, well one is, she's quite good at singing and picking out good boyfriends (according to one of my friends, she always picks hot boyfriends) and the other one just constantly dyes her hair and changes her sexual orientation (: oh and also the other calls young kids immature when she's acting the same was as them and she's what 22? Till next time yall!