After a nice 2 week break from the world and from everything, theres something in me thats not satisfied yet. Something that feels i dont belong where i am going. Something that tells me that i should stay put at where i am at. I really dont want this to end at all.
I was told that people back home miss me but surprisingly nothing in me jumped or said i miss them back? The honest truth is i probably didnt at all. I was glad that i was away actually. Wait extremely elated even. Well yeah of course there are people that i miss like those that i dont get to talk to online? Namely, Priya, Steph, Candice and yeah a couple more and of course Ammar, but the thing is that i still see him online so its not that bad? yes i miss his funniness and he never fails to amuse me. But really i was really glad to get away from everyone back at home. I miss my family a little not that much tho maybe because im surrounded by them as well.
Well after all this, i just really want to stay here. I really dont wanna go back. i know its selfish and everything but it feels really like home here. Im so used to the culture and just the way of living its just something that im so at home with. meeh oh well. See yall soon i guess (:
ok i took this from ONTD it was too funny for me not to share because its just hilarious.
This is a quote from about the 10 most annoying singers and they described Celine Dion as this and i completely agree with it because its just too too funny!
" I know there are millions of people who would beg to disagree, but let's get real, people. She sings 15 notes where one would suffice and turns every song into an anthem for self-empowerment. It's like getting an hour of Oprah condensed into four minutes. She sings. It's time to start the lawnmower."
LOL hahahahaha really true tho. It does make people feel good about themselves some how LOL my heart will go on? no? you be the judge
So i went to talk to my teacher today, Mr. Pok. I really have to thank him for actually sitting down with me and telling stuff about various unis and giving advice and everything. Last but not least also for giving me a PWC WHEEEE thanks lol i managed to ask why i actually got it too because i was in utter shock when i got it. Yes if you'd like to know the full details feel free to ask. I'll gladly explain everything. But right now only happy thoughts fill my mind as i enjoy my last day at home slacking.
Its been really great just sitting on my couch, wait lying, and reading books, drinking sparkling water, listening to music and just really slacking. Walking up only to drink water, type in email replies, type in msn replies and answering my phone calls on my phone and house phone. Its been pure joy and im just really well rested mainly and i really cannot wait to go to Australia! That's going to be really exciting!
I miss steph and priya a lot and i cant wait till we meet up again (:
in other news. OMFG ANDYFREAKINGRODDICKTHEFASTESTSERVERINTHEWHOLEOFTENNISHISTORY, who's only my favourite male tennis player in the world, who's 2nd in my favourite tennis player list behind Henin got engaged to a girl he only met a year ago. Yes im happy for him even tho i think its really sudden marrying someone he only knew a year ago, mind you they only started dating a year ago as well, but i guess if you're in love you do crazy things. but Whooo congrats Andy (: play well at the sony ericsson open k! I want you and Henin to win since my other favourites are already out its just the 2 of you left! Good luck! Oh and Justine is going to play against the amazon woman AHHAHAHA i cant wait im nervous and yet excited whooo!